Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fender 75 PTP tube amp in Cincinatti for $425

Next to a Mesa Boogie or an Ampeg VT-120 this is probably one of the the loudest compact 112 tube amps you can find.- and it includes the hard to find (and pricey) original footswitch as well. I can't speak for the green tolex (huh?) but it might not be too hideous. Definitely worth checking out.

Note:  This amp along with the Fender 30 was designed by Ed Jahns (not Paul Rivera who was hired by Fender the following year).   It is an early channel switching amp designed to emulate the success of the Mesa Boogie line.

Fender Tube Amp ( Vintage) - $425 (Monroe)
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]Date: 2009-07-15, 7:59AM EDT
Although most people don't know much about this amp it is a sleeper that has started getting recognized in the vintage world. This model is the last of the great Paul Rivera design from the 80's . Just like the Blackface and Silverface amps before it , this amp was built with point to point handwired quality. NO PCB in this one! But better than the Silverface models is that it has channel switching and overdrive gain . It also has line out ~ extenstion speaker out ~ effects loop ~ and a three prong plug in the back for hooking your power in for your effects. This amp is all original except that it has had a tolex change . The tolex was a black but now is emerald green. All the componets are original and it has the Fender tone and Reverb. This amps power tubes are 6l6's and can run full out wattage at 75 watts or switch down to studio work wattage of 15 watts. When the amp is switched to 15 watts it drops the voltage to 265 making it possible to use 6v6 power tubes like a Fender Princeton Reverb. This amp is about the size of a Princeton also. 513-539-5205 Great point to point amp for peanuts!
Location: Monroe

1 comment:

  1. The Fender 75 was NOT made by Paul Rivera.

    He had just joined Fender when the 75 was put into production. Ed Jahns designed the Fender 75. Rivera WAS responsible for the Super Champ, Princton II, Deluxe II, Concert (II), Twin II. I own an 82 Fender Concert, and the 75 was what inspired me to look back into Fenders. The 75 was built from 1980-82.


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