Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Silvertone (Teisco) 3 pickup guitar in Phoenix for $125

This looks just like the Silvertone I lusted after in the Seards Catolog when I was 11 years old.

Teisco Guitar Line 6 Amp Ibanez Amp - $200 (Tempe)
Reply to: mailto:sale-pbpzh-1267407791@craigslist.org?subject=Teisco%20Guitar%20Line%206%20Amp%20Ibanez%20Amp%20-%20%24200%20(Tempe) [Errors when replying to ads?]Date: 2009-07-13, 7:59AM MST
I have a 3 pick-up Teisco (at least i think it's a Teisco, it has no brand) from at least the 70's It has a Tremolo system that i had to fix up with new parts when i first got it and it has new gold speed knobs. The action is very good and the neck is smooth. I'm asking for $125 for this guitar. I also have a Line 6 Spider 1 for 25 bucks. It is a 50 watt 2X10 amp. The only thing is that it is in need of repair. It runs and you can plug the guitar and play, but if the Amp Models knob isn't turned all the way right to the Insane setting, it will freak out and constantly switch to the different Amp Models. But the effects, reverb, and all the other controls are in working order. And it also comes with a footswitch but no ethernet cable. And finally I have a 25 watt Ibanez Tone blaster that is in working order. It does have a few stickers on it but other than that it is perfect. I'm asking 50 for the Ibanez, Teisco Gutiar- $125 Line 6 Spider- $25 Ibanez Tone Blaster- $50 Total fun and happines- Pricelesss


  1. I have a tiesco with 2 pick-ups that looks just like that, I found it in the floorboards in my loft where I used to live! I think youre right about,1970 I did some digging and thats about what I made it

  2. I did purchase a two element version of this guitar yesterday and I am looking for as much information as I can collect.
    If anybody has any further information that would be helpfull.
    Thanks on forehand.

    Eugène Kanters
    The Netherlands


I appreciate your comments but please no commercial links or non guitar related conversations. Thank you. - JC