Thursday, December 10, 2009

Almuco Tube combo amp in Boston Area for $150

I've been scoping ams for years and I have NEVER seen one of these. Check out that circuit - cripes - it's about five resisters clipped to three tubes - amazing. And this was "Made in the USA" (check the front right side of the chassis).

I don't know if it is worht $150.. but it sure is funky.

Vintage ALMUCO tube amp - $150 (Kingston, Ma)

Date: 2009-12-06, 1:26PM EST
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i have had this old amp for years and i still have not bothered to do anything with it.

as far as i can tell, it still works but needs a new power tube.

the right most tube does not glow, but the other 2 do.

i know nothing more about it than that.


i found an old tube that was the right size, plugged it into the amp and it works!! the volume pot is dirty, but the amp works well, and the speaker is in fine shape.

1 comment:

  1. I owned that exact model in the early ‘70s when I was in high school in Fall River, Mass.
    It was a good, little practice amp.
    I’m guessing the company made all of them in blue, because mine was the same color although cleaner looking.
    A few years after high school I inadvertently blew it up when I tried using it as part of a two-amp setup.
    I’ve never seen another one of them since then.
    And there’s virtually nothing online regarding the amp or company.

    Charles Winokoor


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