Thursday, April 15, 2010

5 Vintage Guittars in Detroit area for $500 total - incl Greco, Supro Lap Steel and Teisco Checkmate - $500 total

It is up to you whether you think this is a good deal or not but the Greco Semi-hollow and the Supro Lap steel are probably worth the $500 asking price - and Checkmate (Teisco) folk style acoustics are fairly rare to find these days (though it still ain't worth much).  The Crestwood and the Drifter just basic 70's imports.

He says he doesn't ant to separate them but you never know. If you could score just the Supro Lap and the Greco electric for $300 total that would be a heck of a deal.


5 GUITARS ~~~LOOK - $500 (shelby twp)

Date: 2010-04-14, 9:58AM EDT

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
These have been hanging in my basement for years,

Not in the best of shape, but still look good on the wall!

Makes are: Crestwood,Grego,Surpro,Checkmate,Drifer.DON’T WANT TO SEPARATE~Take all for $500 248-659-8277

Location: shelby twp

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