Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kapa Continental in Baltimore MD for $325

This Kapa never went very far from home - I think they were built in back of a music shop in Baltimore MD circa 1965.  These are made with Hofner parts including the pickups but the bodies were made in the USA.  They have notoriously thin finishes - it is almost impossible to find a Kapa without alot of chipping - unless it's been refinished. But this one looks pretty nice.  Kapa's are also very hit or miss - there was little to no quality control - so you have to play it to see if you like it.  That said, most of the ones that have survived this long are decent players.


Vintage Kappa Electric Guitar - $325 (Arbutus)


Date: 2010-05-12, 3:41PM EDT

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


Vintage Kappa Electric guitar. Made in Maryland in 1960's. Great sound, all original, includes hard case.

Location: Arbutus 


  1. I just happen to have an original Kapa Continental, Blue in color, been in the guitar case since the 60's. Original condition. Not sure what I should do with it.

    Facebook - Harvey Hans

  2. No, they were not built in the back of a Baltimore guitar store. They were built in a plant located on 46th avenue in Edmonston, Md. Many people who claim to know, claim Kapa was made in Hyattsville. MR. Veneman (Veneman Music Stores) used a Hyattsville aaddress, but the plant was certainly on 46th ave. I was raised on 49th ave and robbed the Kapa dumpsters on a nearly daily basis.

  3. This is why I love the internet (and my readers). So now we've heard directly from a guy who grew up down the street from the Kapa factory where these were made - how cool is that? Thanks for the input and I stand happily corrected. I am always glad to get updates and info from readers, fans and fellow collectors. - Jim C


I appreciate your comments but please no commercial links or non guitar related conversations. Thank you. - JC