Monday, June 21, 2010

Silvertone 1406 Moserite Copy in Rochester NY for only $70

This 1960's MIJ Silvertone looks to be in really nice shape.  Check it out!  Nice deal for somebody.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a Matsumoku made guitar.


1960's Sears Silvertone Model 1406 Mosrite Copy-Electric Guitar - $70 (Byron, NY)


Date: 2010-06-20, 10:17PM EDT

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


Considering its age, this 1960s Silvertone Electric guitar is in AMAZING condition! It was a gift from a friend whos family had been passing it down for years...I never use it anymore so to create space in my closet, I've decided to bite-the-bullet and sell the thing...I just tuned it and it still sounds incredible (most of the strings are fresh-as I replaced them last time I played it).
I am asking $70 because I know that if you're a person to collect collectibles, you know that it's worth more than that. The link below is proof that this is what it is...Match those pictures to the one's that I've taken and you decide!

If you are interested, feel free to contact me to come by and check it out! Thanks for your interest :)

Location: Byron, NY

1 comment:

  1. I once owned that same model guitar. My mom bought it for me back in about 1965 for about $50, amp included. It was nice and it sounded decent, but I never did lower the action to where it should have been. Broke in my fingers nicely on it.


I appreciate your comments but please no commercial links or non guitar related conversations. Thank you. - JC