There is no pic on this listing but it sounds like an old Kay N-1 made for Holiday or a similar 1950's vintage beater electric ala Jack White.
Expect to put a little work into this one - though it might not be too bad. Heck he'll even trade it for Queens of Stone Age tickets. LOL.
Vintage Kay Guitar For Sale - $140
Date: 2011-03-14, 12:36PM CDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
I am selling a VINTAGE Kay guitar, similar to the guitars Jack White (White Stripes, The Dead Weather) Uses, This guitar is in somewhat, good condition, it has rusty pick-ups, and a couple of bolts are missing from the pickguard, EASY to repair, I am selling this beautiful guitar to make space in my house, feel free to email, and nagotiate prices, a GREAT guitar for collectors. I would trade for 2 queens of the stone age tickets.
1965 Kay Holiday 1 Pickup Vintage Guitar
He added some pictures, looks like its a Kay K-2T?