Sunday, April 17, 2011

1956 Kay Thin Twin (Jimmy Reed) in Boston for $400

Probably the most collectible of all Kay built electric guitars, the Thin Twin is known as the Jimmy Reed model because he played one. This version does not have the tortoise stripe pickguard more common to the Silvertone version but it still looks good and hopefully it is all original. Heck of a deal for one of these - certainly not in pristine condition but looks pretty darn good to me.


1956 Kay Thin Twin Jimmy Reed Spec. - $400 (Arlington)
Date: 2011-04-14, 7:54PM EDT
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Perfect for the blues fan. This vintage guitar has very cool tones. Jimmy Reed and Howlin' Wolf played these exact same guitars!

This used to be my main axe in my band days, alt-country stuff. I haven't really picked up an electric in almost 7 years : ( ...We're moving so its time to make some cuts.

Here's a couple of cool links that show what this guitar sounds like.

The neck has a comfortable, rounded U shape similar to Guilds. Some scratches and wear for a working guitar this old.

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