Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teisco ET-300 w/ 3 gold-foil pickups in Dayton OH area for $240 w/ other Stuff

Okay, so I guess I am on a minor Teisco kick this week. Now before we proceed let me clarify one thing: I personally do not believe that any of these Teisco MIJ guitars are on par with the USA made guitars of the same period - many of which are available for almost the same price (like Kay and Harmony, Kustom Craft etc)- but with some work and tweaking they can be useable. I think the mythos over the Gold foils is overdone. Yes Ry Cooder has one on his Strat but it's mportant to note that he uses it for CLEAN SLIDE PLAYING ONLY (Neck position). He also has a Valco made "string-thru" Lap Steel pickup on the same guitar - it's one hell of an axe (see pic below). The Teisco gold-foils are not good pickups for bluesy crunchy growl - they are low output (between 3K-5Kohms) very smiliar in tone to Danelectro Lipsticks but without the ability to be overdriven like the Dano's.

The Teisco pickups I personally like the best are the black and chrome rectangle pickups with round pole pieces that they put on the K2L (Sharkfin) guitars and several other models. Those are nice and crunchy and ragged at high volume without giving up the nice bright presence and slight microphonic quality at low gain that gives them a sweet tone.

So, all that said - here is a 3 pickup ET-300 from about 1965 for sale in Ohio. I contacted this seller ( ) and the guitar is still available. Note that this guitar does have the gold foils with the side pole pieces - exactly like the SS-4L that sold for $565 on eBay I posted earlier. My guess is that you could buy this guitar for $200 (or less) and pull off one of the gold-foils, stick it on a Strat for a Ry Cooder Replica guitar, and then resell this guitar with the two pickups (since it only needs two) or pull the other pickups and resell 'em and get your money back.

If they all still work that is...


Guitar and Extras for Good Price - $240 (Waynesville, OH)

Date: 2011-03-30, 9:17PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


This Guitar (ET-300 Teisco) is missing one string and one of the volume controls is cracked, I also haven't heard the output, when hocked up to an amp. I will also include its black carry case, a Pro Series Distortion WAH (created by Morley), and a Peavey Bass Remote Switch. This will include some amp cables. I have done my reseach and found that this is a generous price for what i am offering. Please E-mail me if you have any questions.

•Location: Waynesville, OH

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