Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fender 1982 Harvard Reverb II (SS) amp in Los Angeles for $100

Here is another 1982 Rivera-era amp. This little doggie is all solid state but it is still a nice USA made vintage piece. If you want an amp to throw in the trunk of the car and take to the local blues jam or keep on hand you can't go wrong with these little amps. It is built like a tank and the three spring reverb on these is very drippy for surf. Solid low maintenance gear for super low price.


Fender Harvard reverb II guitar amp -

$100 (Highland park 90042)

Date: 2011-12-14, 10:09AM PST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Made in USA in 1982'-3 'Really powerful amp . Speaker output , headphone jack. Great condition . Small & light, really nice clean tone but it can also do dirty really well.this is a durable amp & will out last any other guitar combo not made in the USA .

-----key words: Gibson ,orange,ampeg,vox,Randall, prs,strat,tele,Parker ,les
Paul ,boss,korg,gretsch,ibanez,g&l,yamaha,Martin,Marshall ,epiphone,godin,reverend,Washburn ,hamer ,musicman,,

•Location: Highland park 90042

1 comment:

  1. I bought one of these Harvard Reverb II amps yesterday, for $50. It was dirty but it cleaned up nicely. Just needed to clean the pots and it was ready to go. Sounds good but sounds like the small amp it is. Nice to use as a backup amp or for just around the house.


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