Saturday, July 7, 2012

Huge lot of Hand Wired Custom Guitar Pedals in Oshkosh WI area - at good $

This seller has been building some nice pedals and he is offering them for a pretty good price.  Note that he doesn't do any screening on the pedals so the knobs are not marked and there are no logos - still he's got some cool DIY pedals here and I am sure he is using good parts and doing a nice job on the builds.    Some pedals he has cloned that I think sound great are the Colorsound one knob Fuzz, the Fulltone OCD and the Paul Cochrane "Timmy." 

Also note that he will do custom builds for you and at these prices he is offering a good deal.   - JC


Batch of Hand-wired Guitar Pedals - $1 (Appleton)

Date: 2012-07-07, 8:54AM CDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

I have a batch of customized pedals that I made and am looking to sell. They are as follows:
--2 Tubescreamer-like overdrives - $75. Each is a bit different, and very versatile. Both have the normal Level-Tone-Gain controls, but also include 6 other switchable options. One allows for much higher gain than the original. They are the two biggest pedals in the group picture.
--Green Ringer Octave pedal - $60. This is a clone of the original Dan Armstrong Green Ringer that is no longer in production. It's a subtle octave-up effect. I added a switchable feedback loop that allows for more synth-like tones. The smaller green pedal in the group picture.
--Overdrive pedal based on Lovepedal's Amp Eleven - $55. Controls are Level-Drive-Bass-Tone. The Amp Eleven is supposedly a clone of Paul Cochrane's Timmy transparent overdrive. It has a wide range of available overdrive sounds (from sparkling clean to gritty drive). This pedal has a huge amount of boost available, and sounds especially great pushing a tube amp. It's one of my favorite pedals. It is great at cleaning up when you roll the volume down on your guitar, much like an overdriven amp would. The blue pedal in the group picture.
--Volume Boost based on Mike Livesley's Salt Booster - $35. The Salt Booster is made by a guy in England. It's a bare-bones volume boost that adds a barely-noticeable amount of crunch. The one-knob gray pedal in the top right of the group picture.
--Overdrive pedal based on the Fulltone OCD - $75. Another versatile overdrive that can go from low-gain clean boost to screaming lead tones. This one has an extra switchable option to choose between diodes or LEDs for clipping, effectively giving you a smoother or more biting overdrive. White pedal in top right of the group picture.
--Overdrive based on the Bearfoot Honey Bee - $35. This is a medium-low gain pedal. A very standard overdrive sound. Yellow pedal in the group picture.
--Colorsound One-Knob Fuzz - $35. The only control is volume because the pedal sounds great as-is without any tweaking. This pedal was a blast to make, and even more fun to use. It's a gritty, lo-fi fuzz. I've used it as more of an "effect", to make my guitar sound totally different than anything else. Large orange pedal in the group picture.
--Compressor based on the Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer that is no longer in production - $50. This is another one of my favorites. This pedal also only has a volume knob. The original units plugged straight into the guitar jack. This one was built into a miniature case similar to the original. Saves space on the pedal board! The best compressor I've heard. Small orange pedal in the group picture.
--Overdrive based on the Catalinbread Formula No. 5 - $45. This is similar to the original, except it has a bit more mids punch, which is great for cutting through in a live band setting. It also has an added "more" switch which gives you extra gain. This pedal and the original were designed to sound and feel like old tweed Fender tube amps. This pedal is great at cleaning up when you roll the volume down on your guitar, much like an overdriven amp would. The red pedal in the group picture.
--Split 'n' Blend Loop Selector - $40. This is an incredibly handy "utility" pedal. It works like your basic loop selector pedal, allowing you to switch a chain of effects in or out of your signal chain. However, this pedal also has a blend knob that lets you mix your clean signal with the effected signal. This is a great feature to use with just about any type of effect. I've been wanting to make a more deluxe version of this pedal that lets you switch 2 effects loops in or out, so if that sounds like something you'd want, let me know, and I'll make it for you!
--Clean boost based on the Xotic EP Booster - $40. This is exactly like the original except this one has the "bright" and "fat" switches on the outside instead of having them as inside adjustments. This pedal has tons of boost available and, like most boost pedals, sounds great before a tube amp or other overdrive, or even as an "always-on" pedal.
--Lastly a basic A/B line selector - $40. It allows you to switch one input between 2 outputs or it can be flipped around to switch between 2 inputs sent to the same output.
Please feel free to contact me via email or call/text 920-419-4175 to make an offer on any of these pedals, or if you have an idea for a pedal that you'd like me to make for you!

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I appreciate your comments but please no commercial links or non guitar related conversations. Thank you. - JC