Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fender Excelsior Tube Amp - What a Deal! Anybody playing one of these?

The last thing I need is another tube amp around the house but I gotta say these Fender pawn Shop Series Excelsiors look like a helluva deal.  These are going for $299 shipped all over the web!

Gotta love a tube amp with a 15 inch speaker and just 2 knobs.  Oh and a Brilliant Switch too!

Anybody got one of these at home that can give us some feedback (other than it looks cool, hehe)? 


  1. We use one every week at a live gig. If this tells you anything: the rhythm guitar player leaves his vintage Princeton Reverb at home and uses this amp. It has a great, if somewhat lo-fi, sound. We love it. The tremolo knob rattles a little but we're going to stick a grommet on it eventually. ABSOLUTELY worth the price.

  2. Sweet sweet clean tones. Needs a better speaker and old tubes but it will sit in studio next to my vintage amps. Overdrive is mushy, and in-between tones are hard to find.

  3. Ps got mine used for 230 which more than justifies speaker upgrade :)

  4. I was severely disappointed in the one I played. Bad speaker, bad tubes, ratlling and muddy bass. Wouldn't buy one for a hundred less.


I appreciate your comments but please no commercial links or non guitar related conversations. Thank you. - JC