Monday, November 5, 2012

1965 SOUND X-305R 1x15" tube combo amp in Pasadena for $350

This seller is offering a rare bird indeed, the Sound X-305R  (which he calls an X-305R-2 not sure why).  There is not much info on these available but they have been featured in Collectors Weekly and there is a schematic and photos posted on another website as well  SOUND X-3065R PICS and an article about some simple modifications to this model on PREMIER GUITAR
From what I can see this amp should be about 30 - 40 watts with a vintage 15 Jensen speaker. Closed back vented cabinet similar to some Ampeg and Kustom setups.   In fact from the picture of it with an open back it looks very similar to my old Ampeg Gemini IV.    I would expect it to sound pretty good in that jazzy, clean bluesy way of the older Ampegs. 


Vintage Sound guitar amp pre Ampeg - $350 (Pasadena)

Date: 2012-11-05, 3:12PM PST [Errors when replying to ads?]

1967 Sound ElectronicsX-305-R 2 Channel Guitar Amp.Original Jensen 15" Speaker In perfect condition.Sounds Fantastic. Tremolo is a dream.


  1. Those photos are from a recent ebay auction in Milwaukee. I wonder if they're borrowed photos or the same amp?

  2. I have one of these amps. one day I will find a replacement set of power tubes and see if she sings.

    1. There is a pair of Vintage NOS Sylvania 7868 tubes on eBay right now for $29.99 BIN That's a very good price - JC

      Here is the link:

  3. I was given one recently. Although the logo is missing, and the light on cover is missing, I replaced all 5 12AX7 tubes and both RCA 7868 tubes. This is a 50 watt dream. She is loud and pure!


I appreciate your comments but please no commercial links or non guitar related conversations. Thank you. - JC