Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gibson SG Special in Modesto CA for $150

I spotted this seller offering a USA Gibson SG in Modesto CA for only $150.  Looks like he lost a knob and the switch tip so don't expect it to have been coddled (probably no case) but it is still a good deal.


Gibson - $150 (Downtown Modesto)

Bought for 800 few years ago, selling all my old guitars. Plays really nice, also have a small amp I can throw in for $25
  • Location: Downtown Modesto


  1. iam looking for the cmi amp bye gibson SGsystem with 2x12 speakers 100watts and phase shifter i think that is my old amp from back in the days back in the 70s i would like please recover it back man so call me thanks!!

  2. Tuners are also mis-matched. Too bad it's gone. I'd have been in Modesto in a few weeks.


I appreciate your comments but please no commercial links or non guitar related conversations. Thank you. - JC