Friday, September 25, 2009

Titano (Magnatone) 413 Tube amp in AustinTX for $400

Hard to believe that $400 for a Maggie is now considered a good deal but - it is. These Titano's are just rebaged Magnatones - like the seller says: everything on it is the same as a Maggie 213. Not a stereo amkp but you do get the Real Pitch shifting Vibrato - and since it isa dual 6V amp it will growl nicely - similar to a Fender Tweed Deluxe - and just as well made. Cosmetically, this amp is not a beauty but I bet she sounds great.

Vintage Titano 314...think Magnatone - $400 (Dripping Springs)

Date: 2009-09-12, 10:33AM CDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


Titano 314 essentially a Magnatone 213 with same great tone AND true pitch shift vibrato. 2x 6v6, 12" Oxford speaker. All original including wooden foot switch (funky but functional). Lived much of its life in a recording studio....'cause its a TONE machine. I've just got too many amps. [Note: I removed the back panel for the "gut shot" but its still there]


1 comment:

  1. Hello have you sold this amp my name is lionel MONET of paris, France I am interested in your 413. and have you ever? lionel.monet @ thank you


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