Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lafayette LA-75 vintage tube Combo amp in Buffalo NY area for $250

Most Lafayettes you see on the resale market are Japanese made products (like Univox) however the chassis and tube design of this lil LA-75 seems to be an American made product.  It is clearly a cosmetic knockoff of a Danelectro built Silvertone.  But with it's 7189 power tubes and 6CA4 rectifier it straddles the Ampeg-Gibson camp.  My best guess - this is probably an adapted Hi-Fidelity amplifier design that the folks at Lafayette wedded to the preamp control panel to quickly capitalize on the popularity of the Silvertones.

$250 seems a bit steep considering it is missing the speaker and probably needs a cap job or other work.  the amp has almost no real value other than its uniqueness.  But it is definitely a rare and unusual bird and there is something about the pseudo industrial Mid-Century design that I personally find appealing.  This amp would look great in a Danish modern living room or in the b.g of a smokey little bar scene on the show "Madmen."  


Vintage Tube Guitar Amplifier from the 1960's

Lafayette Model LA-75

Reviews show that this amplifier provides excellent sound particularly for the jazz and blues guitarist. Check this out:

Powers up and sound can be heard from an attached speaker, but it is no longer loud. Something must need to be repaired.

There is no speaker in the cabinet, but it looks to be set up to accept a 10 or 12 inch speaker.

There are two instrument connections, one microphone connection and one foot switch connection.

There is a tremolo feature.

The cabinet is in clean, excellent condition.

Location: Williamsville, NY

Price: $250.00

Call: 716-828-8978

No emails please, they will be ignored - unfortunately there are too many spammers spoiling craigslist


  1. This post on vintage amp forum has same pictures and describes amp malfunctioning after 30 minutes (thread also has a schematic).

    This amp has a nice review on harmony central.

  2. I have a Lafayette 75 amp that I purchased from a guy in a small band back in 1965 (I was a kid). I used it off and on for about 20 years, then it went to a cousin. It came back about three years ago. Speaker was replaced with a Jensen, but I also have the old speaker that needs new paper put on. I replaced all the electrolytic capacitors a few years ago. It seems to run a little hotter now, but still works well. I worry about burning out the transformer. Not sure where one could be found or how to best find a replacement. Losing the transformer may be the end if that happens. Somehow in the transfers, the foot switch for the reverb was lost. Can't seem to find one. I also have a schematic that was posted long ago. Not sure how to post it here. The loss of power in the unit listed could be a number of things. A good electronics tech can fix it unless it has a problem in the transformer.

  3. I have one in perfect original condition and would like to sell it. I live in Syracuse, NY Contact me at

  4. Im always looking to purchase Lafayette LA-75 amps. Please email if you have one to sell. Top dollar paid..


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